Monday, June 22, 2020


In this time of strife, I've been quiet and avoided blogging. Everyone seems quite polarized in their feelings and I understand that. I think the particular issues right now are being discussed ad nauseum, even platitudes have become hollow, so I decided to go out on a tangent.  Philosophy.

Evil versus Good.  Chaos versus Order.  Sad versus Happy. Things like that.  If we are a mirror of Creation, does that mean these things are part of a greater whole or can they exist separately?

Many stories of Creation talk of these traits coming from a single source but they could indeed come from separate sources, commingling or exchanging states like pieces in a great game of life.

In my own view, it seems polar opposites would lead to a very boring existence. Supposedly, in some versions of the big bang theory, a change in the perfect balance of everything was what caused the Creation of our Universe.

I don't know if there is a place where Evil is preferred. I do believe it resides in most of us but in this area of this Universe, Good and Happy seem to be preferred.

The problem is, we each define these preferred states differently. Just look at how many laws we have and how often we argue about them and change them.

There are areas of our world way beyond comfortable, safe and healthy capacity.  Yet, we continue to spread even as plagues erupt due to overpopulation. So people suffer from such things as disease and starvation, often dying.

Some of us think they got what they deserved for whatever twisted reasoning we have used to feel okay with such thoughts because we keep that reasoning secret.

But if we really are known even to the core of our thoughts by some entity or entities, will there really be NO consequences? Even if it's a lesson instead of a punishment, convincing ourselves what we reasoned to be right but knew was really wrong, simply wasted time fooling no one.

We just languished in a state of false righteousness. The bill is still due. Life is change. Be the change you KNOW SHOULD BE in the world.


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