Thursday, April 23, 2020

COVID-19 Sufferers...Hang in there!!!

At first, I joked along with many others even as people were dying.  I'm sorry.  Finding humor at the expense of others feelings is never good.  It hurts and depending on how dire that person's circumstances are, it could even kill.

There are many poor people even in our own nation.  Forcing people not to work will cost jobs, housing, cars, and food to name a few of the important things.  I know it is a risk to allow people to decide for themselves if what they do is essential, but it is their right to choose that danger.

If you live near quick cash or pawn shops, I hope you realize; they are not even living from paycheck to paycheck.  Many of their lives are at a point where they have to borrow already to make ends meet.  Those living paycheck to paycheck (and I don't mean government checks like retirees), are not far behind.

Can you imagine the stress they are under?  Why do you think alcohol and marijuana dispensaries have seen a rise in business?  People are self-medicating in an attempt to get away from the stress for even a short time.  Perhaps even pushing off very dark thoughts for just ONE MORE DAY.

Perhaps instead of jokes, we could post words of charity, hope, and love.  Let even people we don't know, WE CARE.  A smile or thumbs up to a stranger, charity without judgement, a kind word or an open ear.

And for those in trouble, it's okay to ask in private or any other way.  In a nation such as ours, people should not have to suffer hunger or housing but I know they do.  We are not where we should be as a nation but I do have hope that we will eventually focus on bringing each other UP and getting closer to that ideal.


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