Being in a constant state of this elevated awareness has become forgotten by most and so re-learning how to attain that state and maintain it is very difficult. In this day of science, unproven things such as synchronicity makes it even harder due to the majority of people not believing (whether it was attained through simple faith or personal observation).
Both paths (blind faith or personal observation) are constantly attacked by even other believers as well as so many non-believers. This can quickly and easily cause the energy to maintain that state to be sucked away. We call these beings "energy vampires". When they disagree and attempt to drain you through any means to create doubt within you, you will find yourself falling out of the moment and going back to sleep like the masses. All I can say is to leave their presence and DON'T GIVE UP your practices.
With that said (and the warning that doubt in your ability and even mine (from publishing this post) will occur), I am going to give you a personal and precious example of this power I believe occurred for me. I don't care if you disagree but I do hope that someone finds comfort that this amazing ability does exist and that we all can do it! NAMASTE!!!
Today my grand-niece posted something that caught my eye because it had a shirtless hairy big man (known in the LGBTQ community as a "bear") on a stage with a microphone. Of course, she had my interest with the shirtless bear but being on stage with a microphone, I just had to know what was going on.
It turned out it was about the mafia so I decided to tell my grand-niece about my mom's fond memories of her party days with the mafia.
My mom loved to party. She worked as a waitress for 16 years and said she would often bring her "club" clothes to work so she could change into her club outfit when her shift was over and head to the club. She would party all night and then head back to work for the next day's shift.
She even told me about one of the gangsters handing her the keys to a brand new Cadillac. She was so excited and ran to show my dad. If you knew my dad, you knew how much he loved my mom and his jealousy was fierce! Without a thought for his life, he told her to return it. So she did with much sadness. Luckily he trusted her enough to let her still go to the clubs and hang out with her gangster friends.
I often just listened, not quite sure how much was true until I rented a movie called "The Cotton Club". See these two links: The movie, The description
My mom was on the edge of her seat as she watched the movie, jumping up and hollering. "I've been there!" she would say or point to a gangster and say "I knew him!". I've never seen her so excited and happy. By the end of the movie, I finally realized this quiet woman that was my mom was a true party girl.
At the time, I was still young and was definitely not a party animal.
When my mom became sick and moved in with me and my partner, Jerry Michael Brown, we had become party animals and my mom was our advisor. From critiquing our club outfits to providing party supplies, she lived her past days again through us. I regret refusing to allow her to come along when she asked to just because I didn't want to be thought of as a "mama's boy". She's okay with that now even if I still cry over it but that's not the point of this story.
Eventually, the cigarettes killed her and I had to lie to her and tell her she could move on because I would be alright without her. I did a good job because her passing was happy and peaceful and she had no clue how sad and frightened I was to lose her.
I was a mess afterwards and didn't want to remain but somehow I did. I did all the things you do after someone dies but I was not aware of much, and barely had the energy for simple tasks. My partner Jerry was just as hurt but helped keep me going. I even bought all my family a copy of the newspaper with her obituary and brought a copy to any family member that wanted it.
This is where the synchronicity began to press upon us all in so many ways and yet it simply passed us all by for the most part. It took years before I finally crawled out of that deep pit of depression and could reminisce about my mom and finally see the hand of the Creator showing me just how powerful he is to speak to all of us all the time in every moment of OUR co-creation of the multiverse.
I sat in my meditation room years later, staring at the front page of the newspaper with my mom's obituary and finally saw it:

Party on
I could go into more detail but either you believe insynchronicity or you don't. It's not an easy path and raising and holding yourself in a heightened level of awareness is something that some devote the focus of their entire life to. In the modern world, we may hope for just an occassional moment but even that can have a profound affect.
We are all One Tribe so from one Divine member to Another Divine member, I wish you love, compassion and success!
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